Recommended Resources

Here are some of my top recommended resources for entrepreneurs and leaders in startups

  • HIPAA Compliance for Startups

    When I first joined a healthcare technology startup I quickly had to become familiar with the information security aspects of HIPAA Compliance. This resource is what I wished I had access to in that moment

  • Creativity, Inc.

    A book that I find to be extremely inspirational and Ed Catmull models the kind of leader I think we’d all want to work for. I recommend this to all leaders who I cross paths with.

  • The Lean Startup

    My #1 most-recommended book for entrepreneurs and leaders in startups. This book catalogs the major mistake most startups make, and some antidotes

  • Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters

    Good strategy is not just “what” you are trying to do. It is also “why” and “how” you are doing it.

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